Don’t you just love when you’re doing what you’re told and still get treated like a drooling mindless idiot? When someone looks you in the eyes and accuses you of not doing your job and you’re lying – what do you say to that? That is exactly what happened to me by the head guy.

I was brought into his office, and he wondered why I wasn’t doing something and was very insistent that I am responsible for tasks that I’m not responsible for. When I said that I’m not responsible for certain task, he didn’t believe me and contacted someone else to verify my story. Then I was given “better” ways of doing what I normally do, and more steps were added to my plate.

I’m a competent person (at least I like to believe that). I follow steps, write notes and listen to instructions. But I’m made to feel like I can’t read or think or have comprehension skills. I get blamed for the stupidest things because I’m not popular, I’m quiet do my job and go home. I stay out of other people’s business, don’t gossip and in general, stay in my lane.

Today was just a difficult day and it’s only Tuesday. I worked on a project all day and didn’t get to any of my work. Did I complain? No. So being treated like a mindless zombie was the last thing I wanted to deal with.

I’m taking my introverted butt to sleep early tonight. Goodnight.

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